Naturopathic doctors are the leading experts in preventive medicine. We promote general health and well-being by fully evaluating your health history and potential risks of disease. We empower you to be proactive about your health by providing you with all the right tools.


Naturopathic doctors receive rigorous nutrition training. We know how important a proper diet is to preventing disease and optimizing health. NDs spend time teaching you about why certain foods benefit or harm your health. When working 1-1, you will receive a nutrition plan that meets your individual needs.


Lifestyle counseling focuses on building healthy habits on a daily basis. One important aspect of your health is movement. Staying active and exercising regularly can help improve your mental health, strengthen your bones, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent chronic disease.


Preventive lab testing can be a great way to uncover potential sources of imbalance before symptoms even begin. In addition to your annual bloodwork, you may want to consider testing for environmental toxins, genetic SNPs, hormones, and certain nutrients. Preventive tests can help you stay healthy in the long run.


Although stress is impossible to remove entirely, there are ways to support your body during high stress times. Improving your resilience to stress is key to prevention, as stress is a huge cause and driver of disease.


Not all supplements are created equal, and in some cases, they may not even be necessary. Naturopathic doctors are highly trained in nutraceutical use and can provide you with a supplement regimen tailored to your needs.


Sleep is a vital aspect of our health, yet many individuals struggle to achieve 8 hours of uninterrupted & restful sleep each night. High quality sleep can help lower your risk of developing chronic disease.