Cyclical Balance is a mini course designed to help you have healthier cycles! You may be surprised to learn that 1) periods shouldn’t be painful, 2) you shouldn’t feel like a completely different person before your period, and 3) hormonal birth control is not the only option to your period problems. There are a ton of natural and effective ways to support a more balanced menstrual cycle, which will be discussed in this mini course!
What You Will Learn:
- What a healthy menstrual cycle and period looks like
- Types of menstrual disorders (lack of periods, heavy periods, painful periods, frequent periods, irregular periods, lack of ovulation, short luteal phase, PMS, PMDD)
- Factors that affect the menstrual cycle
- Causes of various menstrual cycle and period issues
- How to promote healthy menstruation using nutrition, lifestyle, and natural therapies
Have questions? Click here to contact Dr. Poy!